Create your sleep sanctuary: your guide to the ultimate restful bedroom and a great night of sleep!

There’s something super important when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep - your sleep space. If your bedroom isn’t promoting rest and relaxation then no matter how much yoga and breath practices you do, you might still struggle to drift off peacefully.

Let’s dive into how you can create your very own “sleep sanctuary” - a space designed to help you switch off, unwind and get the restful night of sleep you crave.

1. Tidy Space, Tidy Mind.

It’s time to declutter! If your bedroom is full of distractions (that pile of clothes on the floor, paperwork, items that don’t even belong there) it can actually make it hard to relax and therefore drift off to sleep. Whether you go full on Marie Kondo, or start small with a 10 minute tidy up, aim to make your space a calming, minimal environment. Less clutter equals less stress and therefore a more restful space!

2. Invest in cosy, comfortable bedding.

We spend a third of our lives in bed, isn’t it about time you treat yourself to some quality bedlinen, pillows or potentially a new mattress? Soft, breathable materials like cotton or linen are perfect for promoting that cosy but temperature regulating environment.

Think of your bed as the heart of your sleep sanctuary and take a few moments to see what might need an upgrade!

3. Set the mood.

Lighting can make a huge difference to your sleep environment. For the evening, think soft, warm, dim lamps to create that cosy atmosphere.

For sleep time however, it’s darkness our body craves, so take a moment to check how dark your room tonight (any street lights leaking in for example?) Blackout blinds or curtains are your best friend here but if that's not possible (or you are away from home) try a comfy sleep mask for that blackout effect and tell your body its time for sleep.

4. Keep Your Cool.

Did you know the temperature of your room can seriously impact your sleep? When too hot, your body will struggle to drop to the lower temperature it needs to fall asleep.

The ideal balance is a little personal but most people seem to work well between 16-18°C. Small changes like using lighter duvets and fans in the warmer months can make a big difference.

5. Make It Tech Free.

I really know how tempting it is to scroll through your phone or watch your favourite Netflix in bed, but truthfully, technology is not your friend when it comes to sleep.

Apart from the blue light your screens emit (this light interferes with your melatonin levels, the hormone that helps you drift off), the scrolling and stimulation can keep your mind buzzing at the exact point we are trying to find a little calm.

So do yourself a favour and swap that phone scroll for a breath practice, journalling or read a book. Give it a few days and you’ll notice the difference in how quickly you can fall asleep.

6. Make It Your Haven.

So we’ve looked at all the practical things and now it’s time to make your sanctuary “you”. From adding those personal touches, cosying up with your style of soft furnishings and paint colour, to adding that scent that helps unwind and relax, now it’s time to unleash your inner interior designer and make the space your sanctuary.

Try making one or two of these changes tonight and see how much more calm you feel when it’s time to rest and relax.

Here’s to sweet dreams and restful sleep

Trix (The Sleep Yogi)

P.S. Want to try a SLEEP yoga class with me? Click HERE.


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