Summer sleeping: 3 things to help your sleep better throughout the summer months

Whether it is loss of routine or increased evening heat, our sleep can become disrupted in the summer months.

Let’s look at 3 things you can do to give you the best chance of a good night of sleep tonight.

1. Stick to a routine.

Tempting lighter evenings and lack of school routine can mean our sleep gets out of rhythm in the summer months. Remember though, your body thrives on having a regular schedule and that includes going to sleep and waking up at same time each day. Try to stick to within an hour of the same time each day, even at weekends!

2. Block out the light.

Talking of lighter evenings, our bodies use light as a signal for sleep and waking so you might be finding it’s more difficult to drift off at night, and you are waking earlier in the morning. Blackout blinds are really effective (and there are some temporary ones you can suction to any window!) but a sleep mask is another excellent alternative (and more practical when travelling!)

3. Keep your cool.

As the temperature rises, our bedrooms can get warmer, yet we still want them to be at an optimal 16-20 degrees for sleeping. Click here to learn my top tips for keeping you and your room cool in summer!

Here’s to staying cool this summer!


P.S. Want to try a short SLEEP yoga class with me? You’ll find one in the TEN TO ZEN mini series.


Create your sleep sanctuary: your guide to the ultimate restful bedroom and a great night of sleep!


Keep your cool and sleep soundly as the temperature rises!