Energise. Unwind. Restore.

Life etc…

Life etc: wellness, lifestyle, sleep and yoga chat.

Trix Eastwood Trix Eastwood

Create your sleep sanctuary: your guide to the ultimate restful bedroom and a great night of sleep!

There’s something super important when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep - your sleep space. If your bedroom isn’t promoting rest and relaxation then no matter how much yoga and breath practices you do, you might still struggle to drift off peacefully.

Let’s dive into how you can create your very own “sleep sanctuary” - a space designed to help you switch off, unwind and get the restful night of sleep you crave.

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Trix Eastwood Trix Eastwood

Yoga: Let’s bust some yoga myths!

Heard of yoga’s benefits but not sure its for you? Maybe you’ve no idea when you’d fit it into your busy day? Let’s bust a few yoga myths and convince you to give yoga a try!

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Trix Eastwood Trix Eastwood

Life: 3 Simple Tips for Better Sleep

Difficult falling asleep? Not getting the quality and quantity you’d like? Come discover 3 top sleep habits you can action today for a better night of snooze!

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Start your journey to better sleep:

Discover how just 10 minutes of gentle yoga & breathwork can ease away the stress of the day, calm your mind and prepare you for a night of restful sleep.