Life: 10 simple ways to add more movement to your day

Adding more movement to your day doesn’t need to mean scheduling in a gym class or going for a 10K run.

Focus on small changes that you can make to your existing day to increase overall movement. Think little and often…

10 simple ways to add more movement to your day:

  1. Make moving part of your commute (walk, cycle, park further away, get off the bus a stop early…)

  2. Take the stairs wherever you can (think up for cardio, down for strength!)

  3. Dance whilst cooking (turn up the tunes and dance whilst making tea)

  4. Do squats whilst cleaning your teeth! (that’ll be nearly 30 mins each week!)

  5. Sit on one of those big exercise balls or a stool (at your desk, whilst watching tv…)

  6. Set a timer to stand up every hour (and you might as well get a glass of water whilst you are at it!)

  7. Plan to “walk & talk” (think walk whenever you talk: work meetings, friend catch ups…)

  8. Make family/friend times “active” (go bowling, play tennis, walk on the beach/park…)

  9. Get (or borrow) a dog! I promise they’ll get you outside every single day!

  10. Develop a daily yoga practice (well I had to put that one in right? Why not start with TEN TO ZEN!)

I hope you can put a few of these into your day to increase your movement. Let me know how you get on!

Trix x


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