The never ending month: 5 tips to boost your mood in January!
January can feel like the month that lasts forever! The short, darker days we experience here in the UK together with the social and financial slump we feel after the festive period can mean our mood and wellbeing take a dip. Let’s look at 5 mood boosting habits that you can try today!
Here are 5 simple ways to boost your mood today:
Get outside for a walk: prioritising a daily walk will expose you to that mood regulating natural light as well as boosting endorphins from the physical movement. Make it part of your daily routine by slotting into the same time each day. Why not try for after lunch to get as much sunlight as possible during these shorter, winter days?
Nourish your body: Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids (such as oily fish, eggs, flax and chia seeds) have been linked to improved mood and general wellbeing. I also rate a few cubes of dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa content) which has compounds that increase endorphin levels - well it makes me happy!
Call a friend: staying social in the winter months may look a little different to the hazy days of summer, but even phoning a friend or loved one can have a huge impact on your mood. Try a virtual coffee date if you can’t meet in person.
Take a yoga class: the combination of breath practice and movement can alleviate stress and boost endorphins leaving you in an overall happier state! Click here to access some short classes to try: Time for Yoga.
Embrace Hygge: take a tip from the Danes and embrace the concept of Hygge this January - light candles and create a warm , cosy atmosphere to retreat to in the evening. Invite close friends or family round for a meal and you’ll have ticked off three of these tips in one go!
How about we embrace January and turn it into a time to retreat and restore. Spring is just around the corner… I promise!