Trouble drifting off? 3 things that could be affecting your ability to fall asleep…
We all have difficulty drifting off at times but there are a few things that you might be doing in an evening that is hampering your ability to get a restful night of snooze.
Not having a “switch off” time: working too close to bedtime can mean we take the stresses and strains of the day into bed. Try to aim to finish work 2 hours before bedtime. Close down your laptop and tidy away all signs of work. Oh and switch off those email alerts on your phone!
Eating heavy meals late in the evening: eating late at night means you are digesting your food whilst trying to fall asleep. The digestive process raises your core body temperature which can both disrupt your ability to fall asleep and get a quality night of snooze. You might also find it causes stomach issues as the body wants to digest first, then rest. Try finishing your evening meal 2-3 hours before bedtime and see how that affects your sleep.
Screens: we all do it, scrolling social media, watching videos on our phones… but the blue light emitted from the screen disrupts your melatonin levels which can inhibit your body’s natural signs that it’s time to sleep. Try eliminating (or limiting) screen time for the hour before bed (or if you must scroll, switch the settings to night mode!)
These tips are often referred to as the 3:2:1 method:
Finish eating 3 hours before bed
Finish working 2 hours before bed
Eliminate screens 1 hour before bed.
Let me know if you make any changes to your evening routine and if these tips helped!