Life: 3 Simple Tips for Better Sleep

Difficulty falling asleep?

Still feel tired when you wake up?

Don’t feel refreshed in the morning?

I’ve been there and I’m here to let you know that although you can’t control your sleep, you can control the environment, routine and chances of a good night of rest.

Here are three things you could try:

Morning light

Our bodies have evolved to react to light (and dark). We’ve actually got sensors at the back of our eyes which recognise morning light. They then send signals to the brain to reset our body clock each day, impacting when you next produce melatonin, the sleepy hormone.

So what can do you to aid sleep?

Get outside every day. Aim for it to be as close to sunrise as you can but if your morning is anything like mine, it might be a lunchtime walk!

(Oh and dim those lights in an evening for the opposite effect!)


Can you keep your caffeine to before midday? Perhaps try decaf or a herbal tea in the afternoon instead.

Caffeine has a “half life” of 10-12 hours which means half your midday coffee will still be in your system at 6pm, whilst a quarter will still be there at midnight!

Take a bath

Research shows you may fall asleep 36% quicker, get better sleep and feel more rested the next day if you take a a bath 1-2 hours before bedtime.


Warming your extremities causes your core body temperature to fall which is an essential part of the body’s cue to fall asleep.

And don’t worry if you’ve no time for a leisurely bath. The study suggests putting on socks has a similar effect.

Let me know if any of these tips helped! And here’s wishing you a restful night of sleep 💤



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