Golden Thread breath: a calming visual breath practice, perfect to unwind the body and mind before sleep

Golden thread practice (sometimes known as pursed lip breath) is particularly effective before bedtime, helping you transition from the busyness of the day, into a state of relaxation.

It can also be used when stress levels are high, to bring about a calmer state.

How to practice golden thread breath:

  1. Come to a comfortable position (you can practice this in bed lying down).

  2. Close down the eyes (this helps to turn your focus inwards).

  3. Bring the focus to your breath. Notice any sensations in your body as you inhale and exhale.

  4. Start the Golden Thread practice by taking a deep inhale in through the nose.

  5. Exhale through slight parted lips, visualising you are blowing out a long golden thread.

  6. At the end of your exhale, repeat the process, each time your exhale (golden thread) is getting longer and smoother.

  7. You can repeat this practice for several rounds. Perhaps start with 4-6.

  8. Once finished, allow your breath to return to its natural rhythm, taking a moment to notice the effects on your body and mind.

If you’d like to combine Golden Thread practice with my 4 favourite yoga poses to do before bed, click here : 4 Yoga Poses To Do Before Bed.

Happy snoozing!



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